Technical Thoughts musings on technology


First Post

Written by Ryan Moore on 13 May 2014

I plan for this blog to become a place for me to share some of my experiences using various technologies. I play a lot with many different frameworks and I feel that it would be good for me to share the more stange or interesting things that I find in the hope that others will also find it interesting. In this first post I’ll discuss some of my observations on getting this blog set up with Github pages.

This is my first post using Jekyllrb on Github. So far I’ve found it pretty easy to set up and get going. There are a few things that I’ve found strange or at least missing in the documentation (e.g., what all the different variables on the post object are). I’m using Foundation for the css which didn’t take long to get set up either. Pathing with this is very easy with no real gotchyas (at least none that I’ve found so far). I’m very curious to see how this system grows as I add more posts. I have some more work to do to customize it but so far I feel that I have a good starting point.

When I was getting this set up I did go and look to see if Jekyllrb had a template processor for haml. It didn’t take me long to find one here, but I found that as I continued to set up the site, I had not yet used it. I was thinking that I would use it for the posts, but I’ve become used to the syntax in markdown and felt that unless I really needed to customize the look and feel of the post a lot that using haml was a bit heavy. I plan to keep the Jekyllrb plugin for haml installed in the blog for the time being if only to see if I actually do end up using it.

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